
Hot!!! Call for contributions to Invited Sessions:
**Invited Session I (Code:i18u9): Path-Following and Trajectory Tracking: From Classical Control Methodologies to Artificial Intelligence-based Approaches, organized by Marco Bibuli and Enrica Zereik (Italy)
**Invited Session II (Code:b7539): Renewable Marine Energy Systems: Modeling, Control, organized by Hamid Reza Karimi (Italy)
**Invited Session III (Code:1e2rv): Novel Intelligent Sensors and Approaches for Marine Robotics Localization and Mapping, organized by Mohd Rizal Arshad (Malaysia)
**Invited Session IV (Code:2w989): Advanced Design and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms, organized by Shan Wang, Kang Hooi Siang (Portugal)

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An invited session, proposed by Prof. Marco Bibuli and Prof. Enrica Zereik, focuses on path-following and trajectory tracking methodologies, spanning from classical control techniques to AI-based approaches. Below are the session details:
Title: Path-Following and Trajectory Tracking: From Classical Control Methodologies to Artificial Intelligence-based Approaches
Code: i18u9
Authors: Marco Bibuli and Enrica Zereik
Abstract: In the scope of advanced and intelligent guidance systems for autonomous marine robots, this proposed Invited Session aims to gather different contributions on the topic of path-following and trajectory tracking, bringing together the employment of classical control methodologies and the exploitation of brand-new approaches related to the increasingly growing artificial intelligence. The contribution of both theoretical frameworks and at-field results will raise the awareness of the state of the art in the proposed topics, leading to an animated discussion on future developments and further scientific and technological objectives.

Instructions for Authors

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