Program Overview

To be announced.

The proceedings shall be published shortly after the conference in IFAC-PapersOnLine

Plenary lectures

CMWRS features the following plenary speakers


Title : Challenges and lessons on practical implementation of MPC of water systems?
Session : Provided soon
Deltares (Delft, Netherlands)

Bio : Klaudia Horváth is working on model predictive control of water systems for more than 15 years, both in academia and practice. She obtained her PhD at the Technical University of Catalonia about controlling long flat channels with resonance waves. She has been cooperating with institutes such as École de Mines de Douai, Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology. She has been teaching  and giving guest lectures including in Colombia. In the last few years she is working by Deltares as researcher / consultant in operational water management. She is in the development team of the open source software RTC-Tools. She has been implementing control algorithms that are used operationally in real-time for polder systems, hydropower systems, lakes in the Netherlands and abroad including Canada and Australia. Her main research interest is modelling water systems for control purposes.

Abstract : There has been more than 32decades of research on MPC of water systems, yet there are few implementations. What is causing the gap between research and implementation? After some years of developing algorithms now I see the other side of the coin: the people who would like to use them and the challenges that they are facing. What is the difference between a published algorithm and the one that is running the pumps of IJmuiden? How can we make sure that practitioners really benefit from our research? In this presentation I am looking for answers, proposing different alternatives to these questions.


Title : Digital Twins for Smart Water Distribution: Modeling, Monitoring, and Control
Session : Provided soon
UNAM (Mexico, Mexico city)

Bio : Lizeth Torres holds a degree in Electronics Engineering and a Master of Science in Electronic Engineering with a specialization in Automatic Control from the National Technological Institute of Mexico and a Ph.D. in Automation and Production from the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA). She has served as a Temporary Teaching and Research Associate (ATER) at Grenoble INP-UGA and is a recurring Visiting Professor at the Université de Lorraine. She is a Tenured Researcher and Head of the Electrical and Computing Department at the Institute of Engineering, UNAM. Additionally, Dr. Torres is the President of the Mexican Association of Automatic Control (IFAC National Member Organization). Her research focuses on developing strategies for model calibration, leak diagnosis, and energy-efficient control of water distribution networks using machine learning, optimization, and control theory.

Abstract : This talk will focus on the use of digital twins for monitoring and controlling water distribution networks. It will highlight the importance of developing models that accurately represent the necessary phenomena and dynamics for effective implementation. The discussion will also cover model reliability, emphasizing the role of calibration through dynamic estimation techniques that adjust parameters in real time to reflect operating conditions. Additionally, strategies for network monitoring will be presented, focusing on optimal sensor placement for effective supervision of critical variables. Finally, the talk will address advanced techniques for controlling hydropneumatic systems and water pumps to optimize energy use and reduce costs, enhancing the efficiency of network operations.

Instructions for speakers

Coming soon

Social Program

Coming soon