Authors are invited to submit their contributions through the IFAC Submission Management System: before 20 December 2024 13 January 2025.
Deadlines and other dates
- Early registration deadline – 15 March 2025
- Late registration deadline – 15 April 2025
Paper submission
- Draft paper submission deadline –
20 December 2024Extended to 13 January 2025 - Acceptance notification – 1 March 2025
- Final paper submission deadline – 15 March 2025
Call for papers
EDT 25 will cover the following topics of interest:
- New control system algorithms for Automatic Insulin Delivery.
- Physiological modeling.
- Automated algorithms for multiple day injection insulin therapy.
- Adjuvant therapies to insulin.
- Diabetological education.
- Reducing the computational footprint for embedded Automatic Insulin Delivery systems.
- Other technological contributions to diabetes management.
Submitted regular papers will have an extension between 4 (minimum) and 6 pages (maximum). Illustrations, tables, and references are included in the page count. All contributions must be in English. Papers will be peer-reviewed, and notification of acceptance is scheduled for 1 March 2025.
Authors must submit the final version of their manuscript for 15 March 2025. At least one author should register and be present at the conference. Accepted papers will be published in the IFAC Papers-Online.
Initial manuscript | 4 pages minimum, 6 pages maximum |
Final paper | 6 pages maximum |
IFAC standard peer review | By the International Program Committee |
If accepted | Included in the IFAC-PapersOnLine proceedings + oral presentation |
Instructions for Authors
Paper format
All manuscripts should be prepared and submitted according to IFAC requirements.
Presentation guidelines
More information comming soon!
EDT25 logos
Below you can find the EDT logos in high quality to include in your presentations.
Grants Call
EDT25 will feature three grants categories:
- Young Author Grant – aimed to pre-doctoral students.
- Young Investigator Grant – aimed to young researchers, holding a faculty or post-doc position for less than 5 years.
- Innovation Grant – available to all participants.
Grants will be based on the written paper. Winners in each category will be awarded a fee and travel grant.
Copyright Conditions
All publication material submitted for presentation at an IFAC-sponsored meeting (Congress, Symposium, Conference, Workshop) must be original and hence cannot be already published, nor can it be under review elsewhere. The authors take responsibility for the material that has been submitted. IFAC-sponsored conferences will abide by the highest standard of ethical behavior in the review process as explained on the Elsevier webpage (, and the authors will abide by the IFAC publication ethics guidelines ( papers that have been presented at an IFAC meeting will be published in the proceedings of the event using the open-access IFAC-PapersOnLine series hosted on ScienceDirect ( To this end, the author(s) must grant exclusive publishing rights to IFAC under a Creative Commons license when they submit the final version of the paper. The copyright belongs to the authors, who have the right to share the paper in the same terms allowed by the end user license, and retain all patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights (including research data).