8th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear Control – Besançon – France – 10-12 june 2024
Welcome by the National Organizing Committee Chair
Y. Le Gorrec, Supmicrotech, FEMTO-ST Besançon, France
The 8th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control (LHMNC 2024) will take place in Besançon, France from the 10 to the 12 of June 2024. It aims to bring together control experts from different areas to exchange on physical structures as the foundation of versatile design methods, to discuss new approaches for modeling, analysis and control design, and to present state-of-the-art results on applications to complex dynamical engineering systems.
Background and Scope of the Conference
Advances in technology and the progress in digitalization and automation require to account for diverse nonlinear phenomena in the design of increasingly complex control systems that are connected via digital communication networks and process increasing amounts of acquired data (such as for digital twins or Industry 4.0). Vital challenges to be tackled also by the control community lie in modeling, operation and control of smart and sustainable systems of energy generation, storage and distribution. Very efficient and robust approaches for modeling, numerical approximation, order reduction, simulation, and control design are based on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian system formulations. For example, the port-Hamiltonian framework has made significant progress in methodology and applications to cope with heterogeneous networks of different types, coupled multi-physical and thermodynamic systems. Such energy-based formulations allow to combine the powerful design methods of passivity-based control with the specific properties of the differential-geometric structures of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems. Recent developments have shown the power of the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian framework for distributed parameter systems, in combination with adapted numerical schemes, with many examples in fluid dynamics, acoustics, fluid-structure interaction, quantum mechanics and irreversible thermodynamics, but also in the field of system identification and machine learning.
Application areas of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods in nonlinear control include, among others, robotics, tele-manipulation, multi-carrier power and transportation systems, chemical engineering, biological processes and smart materials
Main IFAC sponsoring Technical Committees
- TC 2.3. Non-Linear Control Systems
IFAC Co-sponsoring Technical Committees
- TC 2.1. Control Design
- TC 2.6. Distributed Parameter Systems
Other scientific bodies co-sponsoring technically the conference
- ANR Project ANR-21-CE48-0018 IMPACTS – Implicit port Hamiltonian control systems
- IEEE CSS TC on Distributed Parameter Systems
National Organizing Committee

NOC Chair
(FRANCE/Besançon, FEMTO-ST, Supmicrotech)

NOC Co-Chair
Yongxin WU
(FRANCE/Besançon, FEMTO-ST, Supmicrotech)

NOC Co-Chair
Ning LIU

NOC Co-Chair
Bernhard Maschke
(FRANCE/Lyon, LAGEPP, University Lyon 1)

(CHILE/UTFSM, Valparaiso)
International Program Committee

IPC Chair
(Germany, Munchen, Technical University of Munich (TUM))

IPC Vice-Chair
Jacquelien SCHERPEN
(The Netherlands, Groningen, University of Groningen)
IPC Members
Alessandro Astolfi, UK |
Ravi Banavar, India |
Peter Betsch, Germany |
Anthony Bloch, USA |
Leonardo Colombo, Spain |
Alejandro Donaire, Australia |
Gerardo Espinosa-Pérez, Mexico |
Timm Faulwasser, Germany |
Kenji Fujimoto, Japan |
François Gay-Balmaz, France |
Silke Glas, The Netherlands |
Lars Grüne, Germany |
Thomas Hélie, France |
Nicolas Hudon, Canada |
Birgit Jacob, Germany |
Dimitri Jeltsema, The Netherlands |
Laurent Lefèvre, France |
Sigrid Leyendecker, Germany |
Alessandro Macchelli, Italy |
Bernhard Maschke, France |
Denis Matignon, France |
Volker Mehrmann, Germany |
Thomas Meurer, Germany |
Romeo Ortega, Mexico |
Haijun Peng, China |
Christophe Prieur, France |
Witold Respondek, France |
Pierre Rouchon, France |
Joachim Rudolph, Germany |
Oliver Sawodny, Germany |
Markus Schöberl, Austria |
Christian Secchi, Italy |
Arjan van der Schaft, The Netherlands |
Rafal Wisniewski, Denmark |
Hiroaki Yoshimura, Japan |
Hans Zwart, The Netherlands |

International Federation of Automatic Control
Main technical sponsor

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IFAC, as an international federation serving and representing all those concerned with the theory and application of automatic control and systems engineering wherever situated, is devoted to creating and fostering an inclusive environment that is open to diverse thoughts, ideas, and communications, without fear of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation against any member of this community. It is committed to providing equal opportunities and a safe environment for every person who chooses to participate in its work. Additionally IFAC strives for these same principles for all IFAC activities, including technical events, journals, and its various committees and governing boards.
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