
Registration opens on March 31, 2025

Registration fees

Early bird full registration640€2 May 2025
Full registration770€2 June 2025
On-site registration800€2 June 2025
Early bird student registration410€2 May 2025
Student registration500€2 June 2025

Full and onsite registration fees include sessions access, conference documents and proceedings, coffee breaks, social program and banquet.
Student registration fee include sessions access, conference documents and proceedings. coffee breaks and social program. It does not include the banquet.

Regular registration allows to upload up to 2 final papers to the Proceedings.
Student registration allows to upload up to 1 final paper to the Proceedings.
Additional paper upload: 100€.

All attendees must register to the conference.

Cancelation Policy

All fees paid are not refundable. Limitation of Liability in Relation to the Meeting.
The ROCOND’25/LPVS’25 National Organizing Committee reserves the right to cancel the the joint 11th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control (ROCOND’25) and 6th IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems (LPVS’25)thout notice or compensation in the event of any delay, default, failure or cancellation of implementation of any deliverable to or for the IFAC ROCOND’25/LPVS’25 which has been caused, directly or indirectly, by any incident of “force majeure”. For the purposes hereof, the term “force majeure” shall mean any incident, circumstance or cause which renders delivery of the IFAC  ROCOND’25/LPVS’25 substantially or totally impossible or impracticable and which is beyond the control of the  ROCOND’25/LPVS’25  National Organizing Committee. The term shall include but not be limited to the following:
– Any strike, or other industrial action of any kind;
– Fire, flood, or adverse weather conditions;
– Unavoidable breakdown or destruction of facilities or equipment;
– Failure of carriers, delays in performance or delivery by sub-contractors or any other breach by a third party of a material obligation towards the  ROCOND’25/LPVS’25 National Organizing Committee;
– Power failure;
– Promulgation/amendment/rescission of any relevant legislation or regulation by local or national government;
– Any occurrence of any nature which renders it reasonably necessary for the  ROCOND’25/LPVS’25 National Organizing Committee to cancel the  ROCOND’25/LPVS’25.
In such circumstances, the  ROCOND’25/LPVS’25 National Organizing Committee and the NMPC 2024 organizers are hereby indemnified and shall not be liable to any delegate, supplier or other service provider for any loss or damage save that the  ROCOND’25/LPVS’25  National Organizing Committee shall only be liable to reimburse the relevant party such amounts as may actually have been received by the  ROCOND’25/LPVS’25 National Organizing Committee BUT AFTER deduction of any costs that have been reasonably incurred by it up to the point of cancellation in preparing the Conference. This limited liability does not extend to any payments that may have been made directly or indirectly (on behalf of delegates/attendees/service providers, etc.) to third parties such as hotels or airlines.
The  ROCOND’25/LPVS’25 National Organizing Committee and the  ROCOND’25/LPVS’25 organizers shall not be responsible for any theft, breakage, destruction or damages of any kind whatsoever and howsoever caused to personal and/or business items of delegates, accompanying persons, children, or other attendees.
All delegates are to make themselves fully aware of the health and visa requirements in respect of travel to Portugal; in the event that an individual is unable to participate in the Conference due to not meeting these requirements in any way, neither the  ROCOND’25/LPVS’25 National Organizing Committee nor the ROCOND’25/LPVS’25 organizers accept responsibility in any respect.