Hosting Service Subscription

Starting from July 2023 IFAC hosts at the web sites of the main sponsored IFAC conferences that request this service. The service includes hosting and pre-designed web sites powered by WordPress. To request this service the conference organizers should send an email to and provide the name and email of the one person who will be in charge of doing the modifications on the web site.

See here the templates for the web sites of :

Legal notice / Terms and conditions of use

Legal Notice

Please read these terms of use carefully before using this site. By connecting to this site, you accept, without reservation, these terms and conditions.
In accordance with article n°6 of the French Law n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, the persons responsible for the present website are :

Publisher :
BARON Hippolyte
SIRET number: 83933410900031
RCS Malakoff A 839334109
3 rue Salvador Allende, 92240 MALAKOFF
Phone number: 06 51 20 33 56
Email :

Hosting :
Host : OVH
SAS with capital of €10,174,560
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z
VAT NO.: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Website :

Terms of use :
This site ( is offered in various web languages (HTML, HTML5, Javascript, CSS, etc.) for greater ease of use and more pleasing graphics.
We recommend you use modern browsers such as Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc…
The HBARONDESIGN micro-enterprise makes every effort to provide reliable information and to update its websites reliably.
However, errors or omissions may occur. Users should therefore check with HBARONDESIGN to ensure that the information provided is accurate, and notify HBARONDESIGN of any changes to the site that they consider necessary. HBARONDESIGN is in no way responsible for the use made of this information, and for any direct or indirect prejudice that may result.

Cookies :
The HBARONDESIGN site may ask you to accept cookies for statistical and display purposes. A cookie is a piece of information placed on your hard disk by the server of the site you are visiting.
It contains several pieces of data that are stored on your computer in a simple text file that a server accesses to read and record information.

Hypertext links :
The HBARONDESIGN websites may provide links to other websites or resources available on the Internet. HBARONDESIGN has no means of controlling the sites linked to its websites.
HBARONDESIGN is not responsible for the availability of such external sites and sources, nor does it guarantee them. HBARONDESIGN cannot be held responsible for any damage of any nature whatsoever resulting from the content of these external sites or sources, and in particular from the information, products or services they offer, or from any use that may be made of these elements. The risks associated with such use shall be borne entirely by the Internet user, who must comply with their conditions of use.
Users, subscribers and visitors to websites may not set up a hyperlink to this site without the express prior authorization of HBARONDESIGN.
Should a user or visitor wish to set up a hyperlink to one of HBARONDESIGN’s websites, he or she should send an e-mail to the site to request the hyperlink.
HBARONDESIGN reserves the right to accept or refuse a hyperlink without having to justify its decision.

Contractual limitation on data :
The information contained on this site is as accurate as possible and the site is updated at various times of the year, but may contain inaccuracies or omissions.
If you notice a gap, error or what appears to be a malfunction, please report it by e-mail to, describing the problem as precisely as possible (page causing the problem, type of computer and browser used, etc.).
Any content downloaded is done so at the user’s own risk and under the user’s sole responsibility. Consequently, HBARONDESIGN cannot be held responsible for any damage to the user’s computer or loss of data resulting from downloading.
In addition, the user of the site undertakes to access the site using recent, virus-free equipment, and with an up-to-date browser.
HBARONDESIGN cannot be held liable for any hypertext links set up within the framework of this website to other resources on the Internet.

Intellectual property :
Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, even partial, of the various elements present on the site is strictly forbidden without the express written consent of HBARONDESIGN. This representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer. In addition, the owners of copied content may take legal action against you.

Declaration to the CNIL :
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act 78-17 of January 6, 1978 (amended by Act 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data) relating to computers, files and freedoms, this site has been declared 1656629 to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (

Litigation :
The present terms and conditions of the website are governed by French law, and any dispute or litigation that may arise from the interpretation or execution thereof shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts having jurisdiction over the company’s registered office. The reference language for the settlement of any litigation is French.

Personal data :
In general, you are not required to provide us with any personal data when you visit our website
However, there are certain exceptions to this principle. In all cases, you can refuse to provide your personal data. Finally, we may automatically collect certain information about you when you simply browse our website, in particular: information concerning the use of our site, such as the areas you visit and the services you access, your IP address, your browser type, your access times.
Such information is used exclusively for internal statistical purposes, in order to improve the quality of the services offered to you. Databases are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998 transposing directive 96/9 of March 11, 1996 on the legal protection of databases.

Terms and Conditions of Use

Article 1: Purpose :
These “general conditions of use” are intended to provide a legal framework for the use of the website and its services. These conditions apply to the root site, as well as all instances created at the request of users ([…]).
This contract is concluded between:
The manager of the website, hereinafter referred to as “the Publisher”,
Any individual or legal entity wishing to access the site and its services, hereinafter called “the User”.
The general conditions of use must be accepted by any User, and his access to the site constitutes acceptance of these conditions.

ARTICLE 2: Legal information :
The site is created, edited and maintained by the company HBARONDESIGN (Micro Auto Entreprise) with a capital of 1 €, whose head office is located at 3 rue Salvador Allende, 92240 MALAKOFF. The company is represented by Hippolyte Baron.
The company HBARONDESIGN operates the site on behalf of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Physikstrasse 3, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland.

ARTICLE 3: access to services:

All IFAC conferences are listed on the main IFAC web site at
The User of the site has access to the following services

For each IFAC main sponsored conference, after approval by IFAC Secretariat, one User gets access to a user account for a specific subdomain of the type:[..NAME OF SUBDOMAIN..].
By default, the subdomain contains a template predesigned by the Publisher in coordination with IFAC. The User is free to modify, update and adapt the template.
Any User with internet access may access the site free of charge and from anywhere. The costs incurred by the User to access it (internet connection, computer equipment, etc.) are not the responsibility of the Publisher.
The following services are only accessible to the User if he is a member of the site (i.e. identified using his login credentials):
Access as administrator of one of the instances created on request, subject to validation (mentioned in the previous paragraph).
Modification of the template corresponding to the instance of the site created specifically for the User (and only this instance, the User may not modify the other instances of the site, nor the root site, nor any element not having been created specifically for his intention, under penalty of prosecution).
The Editor only provides an instance, a template designed to facilitate the creation of a site, and to harmonize the aspects of the various occurrences of IFAC Conferences. The Publisher declines all responsibility in the event of an incident or anomaly related to the use made of these templates, and will only intervene on issues related to hosting or user rights. Any intervention on the template is solely the full and entire responsibility of the User. No restoration service is included in the event of data loss or content destruction.
The site and its various services may be interrupted or suspended by the Publisher, in particular during maintenance, without any obligation to give prior notice or justification.

ARTICLE 4: Responsibility of the User :
The User is responsible for the risks associated with the use of his login ID and password.
The User’s password must remain secret. In case of password disclosure, the Publisher declines all responsibility.
The User assumes full responsibility for the use he makes of the information and content present on the website.
Any use of the service by the User resulting directly or indirectly in any damage whatsoever must be subject to compensation for the benefit of the website.
The website allows members to publish:
Content information about IFAC conferences
Dates, locations, accommodations, topics, instructions, etc.
The member agrees to make statements respectful of people and the law, and accepts that such publications may be moderated or refused by the Publisher, without obligation to provide justification.
By publishing on the site, the User grants the publishing company the non-exclusive and free right to represent, reproduce, adapt, modify, broadcast and distribute his publication, directly or through an authorized third party.
However, the Publisher undertakes to cite the User in the event of use of his publication.

ARTICLE 5: Publisher’s responsibility :
The Publisher cannot be held responsible for any server or network malfunction.
Similarly, the site cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party.
The website undertakes to use all necessary means to guarantee the security and confidentiality of data. However, it does not provide a guarantee of total security.
The Publisher reserves the right to not guarantee the reliability of the sources, although the information disseminated on the site is deemed reliable.

ARTICLE 6: Intellectual property :
The contents of the site (logos, texts, graphics, videos, etc.) are protected by copyright under the French Intellectual Property Code. The data is owned by IFAC and the template design is owned by HBARONDESIGN.
The User must obtain permission from the Publisher before reproducing, copying or publication of any content outside of
These can be used by users for private purposes; any commercial use is prohibited.
The User is fully responsible for any content he puts online and he undertakes not to harm any third party.
The Publisher reserves the right to moderate or delete freely and at any time the content posted by users, without justification.

ARTICLE 7: Personal data :
The User must provide personal information in order to register on the site.
The electronic address (e-mail) of the user may in particular be used by for the communication of various information and the management of the account. guarantees respect for the user’s privacy, in accordance with the French Data Protection law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms.
In accordance with articles 39 and 40 of the law dated January 6, 1978, the User has the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose his personal data. The User may exercises this right :
By email to;
By post at 3 rue Salvador Allende, 92240 MALAKOFF

ARTICLE 8: Hypertext links : is not responsible for the contents of any linked site and has no control over such links.
It is possible for a third party to create a link to a page of the site without the express permission of the Publisher.

ARTICLE 9: Changes to the general conditions of use :
The Publisher reserves the right to modify the clauses of these general conditions of use at any time and without justification.

ARTICLE 10: Contact duration :
The duration of this contract is indefinite. The contract is effective for the User from the start of the use of the service.

ARTICLE 11: Applicable law and competent jurisdiction :
This contract depends on French legislation.
In the event of a dispute between the User and the Publisher that cannot be resolved amicably, the Paris courts has jurisdiction to settle the dispute.