Background and Scope of the Conference

Industrial and academic worlds around manufacturing and logistics are facing every day new challenges but also rapid changes in technology developments and business models, like Generative AI, smart robotization & automation, digitalization and data-analytics, advanced simulation, industry 4.0 and 5.0, circular economy, shared economy, and many others, which can help decision makers, practitioners, researchers to find solutions to those challenges.

Whatever trend we are living, we at NTNU – Production Management Research Group & Logistics 4.0 Lab believe that our activities should benefit society as a whole!!! Creative, Critical, Constructive and Respectful are values which guide us towards our vision “Knowledge for a better world”.

This is why the general theme of the 11th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (IFAC MIM2025) at NTNU is “Research and Innovation on Manufacturing and Logistics for a better world”.

The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners to present and discuss emerging topics in modern and future manufacturing modeling, management, and control, following a rich tradition of previous IFAC conferences and symposia in manufacturing and logistics.

Through its motto “Be the impact! Make a better world., IFAC MIM2025 will focus on the most innovative methods in manufacturing and logistics, with emphasis in how to generate impactful research and innovation for society, with interdisciplinary and innovative methods, cross-sectorial applications, inclusive approaches, engagement, and growth of younger researchers.

In addition to scientific sessions, there will be the opportunity to attend keynote presentations and doctoral workshop, and panel debates, such as “how to fund your research”, “how to publish your research” and also “how to be a good reviewer”. Mentorship program for first attendees and other activities will be part of the social agenda you cannot miss!

The conference will cover all topics related to emerging topics in modern and future manufacturing modeling, management, and control, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Advanced Manufacturing Systems
  • Human-Centric Manufacturing Systems
  • Sustainable and Circular Manufacturing
  • Viable Supply Chain and Resilience
  • Intralogistics and Warehousing
  • Service Operation Management
  • Production and Supply Chain Management
  • Digital Transformation, Robotization, Automation
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
  • Digital Supply Chain, Industry 4.0, 5.0 and beyond
  • Emerging Technologies and Trends in Manufacturing
  • Additive Manufacturing and Supply Chain
  • Energy Management and Mobility
  • New business models in Manufacturing and Logistics
  • Knowledge Management & Strategies
  • Design Thinking for Research & Innovation
  • Social Manufacturing

IFAC Keywords

Design and reconfiguration of manufacturing systemsSupply Chain Management
Facility planning and materials handlingSustainable Manufacturing
Pricing and outsourcingDistributed systems and multi-agents technologies
Supply chains and networksDiscrete event systems in manufacturing
Line Design and BalancingSimulation technologies
Enterprise modelling, integration and networkingOperations Research
Decision Support SystemProbabilistic & statistical models in industrial plant control
Robotics in manufacturingIndustrial and applied mathematics for production
Smart manufacturing systemsModeling, simulation, control and monitoring of manufacturing processes
Smart transportationRisk Management
Decision-support for human operatorsOptimization and Control
Knowledge management in productionProduction Control, Control Systems
Business Process ModelingOptimisation Methods and Simulation Tools
Monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance of manufacturing systemsRobustness analysis
Complex adaptive systems and emergent synthesis in manufacturingFuzzy logic control
Heuristic and MetaheuristicsScheduling
Human-Automation IntegrationModelling Supply Chain Dynamics
Production planning and schedulingIndustry 4.0
Inventory control, production planning and schedulingTransportation Systems
Quality management

IFAC sponsoring Technical Committees

Main IFAC sponsoring Technical Committees

  • TC 5.2. Management and Control in Manufacturing and Logistics

IFAC Co-sponsoring Technical Committees

  • TC 1.3. Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
  • TC 3.2. Computational Intelligence in Control
  • TC 5.1. Manufacturing Plant Control
  • TC 7.4. Transportation Systems
  • TC 9.1. Economic, Business, and Financial Systems

Other scientific bodies co-sponsoring technically the conference

  • IISE
  • IFIP WG5.7

General Chair



Advisory Chair



National Organizing Committee

NOC Co-Chair


NOC Co-Chair


NOC Vice-Chair from industry


Social Media and Website Committee

  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Eric Grosse, University of Saarland, Germany – VICE-CHAIR for social media IFAC TC5.2
  • Associate Prof. Dr. Sotirios Panagou, NTNU, Norway
  • Enes Demiralay, NTNU, Norway
  • Giulia Fede, NTNU, Norway


IPC Chair


IPC Vice-Chair


IPC Vice-Chair from Industry


IPC Members

El-HoussaineAghezzafGhent UniversityBelgium
ErlendAlfnesNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway
LionelAmodéoGrenoble INP – School of Industrial EngineeringFrance
BjørnAndersenNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway
FazelAnsariVienna University of Technology (TU Wien)Austria
SimoneArenaUniversity of CagliariItaly
JuliaArlinghausOtto von Guericke University MagdeburgGermany
RonaldAskinArizona State UniversityUnited States​
ZiedBabaiKedge Business SchoolFrance
HosseinBaharmandUniversity of AgderNorway
NataliaBakhtadzeInstitute of Control SciencesRussia
EricBallotMINES ParisTechFrance
ZbigniewBanaszakKoszalin University of TechnologyPoland
OlgaBattaïaKEDGE Business SchoolFrance
DariaBattiniUniversity of PaduaItaly
LyesBenyoucefAix-Marseille UniversityFrance
BopayaBidandaSwanson School of EngineeringUnited States​
AlexandraBrintrupUniversity of CambridgeUK
MartinaCalzavaraUniversity of PaduaItaly
SergioCavalieriUniversity of BergamoItaly
Felix T.S.ChanHong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHong Kong
WeiweiChenUniversity College London (UCL)UK
Tsan-MingChoiUniversity of LiverpoolUK
YuvalCohenTel Aviv Afeka College of EngineeringIsrael
IsabelDemongodinAix-Marseille UniversityFrance
XavierDelormeÉcole des Mines de Saint-ÉtienneFrance
YasserDessouky San José State UniversityUnited States​
StephenDisneyUniversity of ExeterUK
AlexandreDolguiIMT AtlantiqueFrance
BanuEkrenCranfield UniversityUK
MartinFabianChalmers UniversitySweden
AlexanderFayHelmut Schmidt UniversityGermany
SerenaFincoUniversity of PaduaItaly
SamuelFosso WambaToulouse Business SchoolFrance
MichaelFreitagUniversity of BremenGermany
StanleyGershwinMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)United States​
ChristophGlockTechnical University of DarmstadtGermany
Stephen C.GravesMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)United States​
EricGrosseUniversity of SaarlandGermany
RobertGrubbströmLinköping UniversitySweden
AngappaGunasekaranPenn State HarrisburgUnited States​
Surendra M.GuptaNortheastern UniversityUnited States​
OlegGusikhinFord Motor CompanyUnited States​
HichemHaddou BenderbalPolytech’MarseilleFrance
GeorgeHuangUniversity of Hong KongHong Kong
Lars MagnusHvattumMolde University CollegeNorway
BenoitIungUniversity of LorraineFrance
DmitryIvanovBerlin School of Economics and LawGermany
JayanthJayaramUniversity of South CarolinaUnited States​
EskoJuusoUniversity of OuluFinland
ManjuKamathOklahoma State UniversityUnited States​
AbdelhakimKhatabUniversity of LorraineFrance
DimitrisKiritsisÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)Switzerland
MatthiasKlumppUniversity of Duisburg-EssenGermany
LennyKohUniversity of SheffieldUK
RatneshKumarIowa State UniversityUnited States
AndrewKusiakUniversity of IowaUnited States​
ToneLerherUniversity of MariborSlovenia
AndreiLobovTampere UniversityFinland
MarcoMacchiPolitecnico di MilanoItaly
AndreaMattaPolitecnico di MilanoItaly
Semyon M.MeerkovUniversity of MichiganUnited States​
ManuelMeyerBerlin School of Economics and LawGermany
StefanMinnerTechnische Universität München (TUM)Germany
LaszloMonostoriBudapest University of Technology and Economics, SZTAKIHungary
BenoitMontreuilGeorgia Institute of TechnologyUnited States​
Trindade Maria AliceMoreiraSDA Bocconi School of ManagementItaly
EnzoMorosini FrazzonUniversidade Federal de Santa CatarinaBrazil
DimitrisMourtzisUniversity of PatrasGreece
JosefaMulaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSpain
GiovanniMummoloPolitecnico di BariItaly
RakeshNagiUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignUnited States​
Shimon Y.NofPurdue UniversityUnited States​
José F.OliveiraUniversity of PortoPortugal
AntonioPadovanoUniversity of CalabriaItaly
SotiriosPanagouNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway
HervéPanettoUniversity of LorraineFrance
AlessandroPersonaUniversity of PaduaItaly
ErwinPeschUniversity of SiegenGermany
Michael L.PinedoNew York University, Stern School of BusinessUnited States​
RobertoPintoUniversity of BergamoItaly
DavidPorterOregon State UniversityUnited States​
JörgRaischTechnical University BerlinGermany
TobiasReggelinOtto von Guericke University MagdeburgGermany
GeirRingenNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway
DebjitRoyIndian Institute of Management AhmedabadIndia
IvanRussoUniversity of VeronaItaly
JosephSarkisWorcester Polytechnic InstituteUnited States​
TadeuszSawikAGH University of Science and TechnologyPoland
SureshSethiUniversity of Texas at DallasUnited States​
AliSiadatArts et Métiers ParisTechFrance
DanielSilvaAuburn UniversityUnited States​
DavidSimchi-LeviMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)United States​
AliceSmithAuburn UniversityUnited States​
BorisSokolovSaint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and OpticsRussia
KathrynSteckeUniversity of Texas at DallasUnited States​
MarcoTaischPolitecnico di MilanoItaly
SriTalluriMichigan State UniversityUnited States​
ChrisTangUCLA Anderson School of ManagementUnited States​
OuTangLinköping UniversitySweden
LixinTangNortheastern UniversityChina
RezaTavakkoli-MoghaddamUniversity of TehranIran
MatthiasThurerJinan UniversityChina
ManojTiwariIndian Institute of Technology, KharagpurIndia
TulioTolioPolitecnico di MilanoItaly
KaiharaToshiyaKobe UniversityJapan
FrancoisVernadatUniversity of LorraineFrance
SusanaVieiraFederal University of Santa CatarinaBrazil
AgostinoVillaUniversity of TurinItaly
FrancescoVitiUniversity of LuxembourgLuxembourg
ThomasVollingTechnical University of BerlinGermany
Fei-YueWangChinese Academy of SciencesChina
XiaoWangChinese Academy of SciencesChina
TorgeirWeloNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway
FrankWernerOtto-von-Guericke University MagdeburgGermany
DashWuUniversity of Quebec in HullCanada
AliceYalaouiUniversity of Technology of TroyesFrance
FaroukYalaouiTechnical University of TroyesFrance
CandaceYanoUniversity of California, BerkeleyUnited States​
MarekZarembaUniversity of Quebec in HullCanada
IleniaZennaroUniversity of PaduaItaly
GuoqingZhangUniversity of WindsorCanada


  • IFAC
  • NTNU
  • Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, NTNU
  • Norwegian Research Council (FutureLOG project (Sustainable Logistics of the Future) – #309528
  • IISE – Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers

Would you like to sponsor IFAC MIM2025? contact us at

Diversity and Inclusion statement

IFAC, as an international federation serving and representing all those concerned with the theory and application of automatic control and systems engineering wherever situated, is devoted to creating and fostering an inclusive environment that is open to diverse thoughts, ideas, and communications, without fear of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation against any member of this community. It is committed to providing equal opportunities and a safe environment for every person who chooses to participate in its work. Additionally IFAC strives for these same principles for all IFAC activities, including technical events, journals, and its various committees and governing boards.

  • IFAC actively promotes the inclusion of a diverse set of speakers, which will lead to more representative discussions across IFAC.
  • IFAC actively promotes the inclusion of a diverse set of members of its boards and committees at all levels, which will lead to more representative decisions, policies and activities across IFAC.

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