Background and Scope
Welcome by the National Organizing Committee Chair – [Name of the NOC Chair]
The IFAC Symposium on Mining Transportation Structured Data Control, IFAC-MTSDC’2024, is a lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque fringilla felis non massa porttitor, sed bibendum tellus pulvinar. In euismod turpis nec dolor tincidunt mattis. Donec facilisis erat fermentum erat lacinia, quis sagittis justo consequat. Integer mattis arcu in libero fringilla condimentum. Quisque id vehicula enim. Quisque consectetur posuere nibh non aliquet. In mollis urna vel gravida aliquam. Donec nibh turpis, porttitor quis mauris et, vehicula condimentum turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Donec luctus enim id sagittis convallis. Pellentesque sed libero nunc. Vestibulum odio erat, auctor non tincidunt a, ultricies id orci. Maecenas vitae tellus ac justo placerat blandit aliquam id dui.
Background and Scope of the Conference
Pellentesque est sem, pharetra at pulvinar non, ullamcorper et odio. Ut eleifend sit amet odio nec pretium. Sed commodo a dolor at iaculis. Sed ultrices consequat mi, nec imperdiet urna condimentum nec. Quisque ullamcorper ac mauris eu fermentum. Pellentesque venenatis orci odio, viverra pellentesque ex hendrerit ac. Maecenas at iaculis erat, sed facilisis risus. Nulla viverra ipsum tellus, viverra dignissim ante egestas vel. Morbi et ante et eros tristique pellentesque. Fusce eleifend metus eu ante fermentum hendrerit.
Main IFAC sponsoring Technical Committees
- [Remove all TCs except the Main sponsoring TCs of your conference]
- TC 1.1. Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing
- TC 1.2. Adaptive and Learning Systems
- TC 1.3. Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
- TC 1.4. Stochastic Systems
- TC 1.5. Networked Systems
- TC 2.1. Control Design
- TC 2.2. Linear Control Systems
- TC 2.3. Non-Linear Control Systems
- TC 2.4. Optimal Control
- TC 2.5. Robust Control
- TC 2.6. Distributed Parameter Systems
- TC 3.1. Computers for Control
- TC 3.2. Computational Intelligence in Control
- TC 3.3. Telematics: Control via Communication Networks
- TC 4.2. Mechatronic Systems
- TC 4.3. Robotics
- TC 4.5. Human Machine Systems
- TC 5.1. Manufacturing Plant Control
- TC 5.2. Management and Control in Manufacturing and Logistics
- TC 5.3. Integration and Interoperability of Enterprise Systems (I2ES)
- TC 5.4. Large Scale Complex Systems
- TC 6.1. Chemical Process Control
- TC 6.2. Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing
- TC 6.3. Power and Energy Systems
- TC 6.4. Fault Detection,Supervision&Safety of Techn.Processes-SAFEPROCESS
- TC 7.1. Automotive Control
- TC 7.2. Marine Systems
- TC 7.3. Aerospace
- TC 7.4. Transportation Systems
- TC 7.5. Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
- TC 8.1. Control in Agriculture
- TC 8.3. Modelling and Control of Environmental Systems
- TC 8.4. Biosystems and Bioprocesses
- TC 9.1. Economic, Business, and Financial Systems
- TC 9.2. Systems and Control for Societal Impact
- TC 9.3. Control for Smart Cities
- TC 9.4. Control Education
- TC 9.5. Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS)
IFAC Co-sponsoring Technical Committees
- [Remove all TCs except the co-sponsoring TCs of your conference]
- TC 1.1. Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing
- TC 1.2. Adaptive and Learning Systems
- TC 1.3. Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
- TC 1.4. Stochastic Systems
- TC 1.5. Networked Systems
- TC 2.1. Control Design
- TC 2.2. Linear Control Systems
- TC 2.3. Non-Linear Control Systems
- TC 2.4. Optimal Control
- TC 2.5. Robust Control
- TC 2.6. Distributed Parameter Systems
- TC 3.1. Computers for Control
- TC 3.2. Computational Intelligence in Control
- TC 3.3. Telematics: Control via Communication Networks
- TC 4.2. Mechatronic Systems
- TC 4.3. Robotics
- TC 4.5. Human Machine Systems
- TC 5.1. Manufacturing Plant Control
- TC 5.2. Management and Control in Manufacturing and Logistics
- TC 5.3. Integration and Interoperability of Enterprise Systems (I2ES)
- TC 5.4. Large Scale Complex Systems
- TC 6.1. Chemical Process Control
- TC 6.2. Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing
- TC 6.3. Power and Energy Systems
- TC 6.4. Fault Detection,Supervision&Safety of Techn.Processes-SAFEPROCESS
- TC 7.1. Automotive Control
- TC 7.2. Marine Systems
- TC 7.3. Aerospace
- TC 7.4. Transportation Systems
- TC 7.5. Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
- TC 8.1. Control in Agriculture
- TC 8.3. Modelling and Control of Environmental Systems
- TC 8.4. Biosystems and Bioprocesses
- TC 9.1. Economic, Business, and Financial Systems
- TC 9.2. Systems and Control for Societal Impact
- TC 9.3. Control for Smart Cities
- TC 9.4. Control Education
- TC 9.5. Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS)
Other scientific bodies co-sponsoring technically the conference
- [List of the non-IFAC co-sponsoring organisations]
- Domestic Society of Control Sciences
- Continental Association for Industrial Application of Control
- Fondation for Control Education
National Organizing Committee

NOC Chair
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)

NOC Vice-Chair from industry
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)

(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)

Local Arrangements Chair
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)

IFAC Young Author Prize Chair
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)

Diversity and Inclusion Chair
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)
International Program Committee

IPC Chair
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)

IPC Vice-Chair
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)

IPC Vice-Chair from Industry
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)
IPC Members
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)
(COUNTRY/REGION, City, University)

International Federation of Automatic Control
Main technical sponsor

International Federation of Automatic Control
Main technical sponsor

International Federation of Automatic Control
Main technical sponsor
Diversity and Inclusion statement
IFAC, as an international federation serving and representing all those concerned with the theory and application of automatic control and systems engineering wherever situated, is devoted to creating and fostering an inclusive environment that is open to diverse thoughts, ideas, and communications, without fear of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation against any member of this community. It is committed to providing equal opportunities and a safe environment for every person who chooses to participate in its work. Additionally IFAC strives for these same principles for all IFAC activities, including technical events, journals, and its various committees and governing boards.
- IFAC actively promotes the inclusion of a diverse set of speakers, which will lead to more representative discussions across IFAC.
- IFAC actively promotes the inclusion of a diverse set of members of its boards and committees at all levels, which will lead to more representative decisions, policies and activities across IFAC.
More about IFAC Mission and Vision
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- Receiving the IFAC Newsletter.
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- Participating in IFAC Journals.
- Applying to IFAC Awards.
- Applying to the IFAC Activity fund.
- And more to come in the future.
Moreover, being an IFAC Affiliate is free of charge. Any individual who is interested in Control Engineering should sign up !