Background and Scope
Welcome by the National Organizing Committee Chair – Professor Mohsen Yahyaei
On behalf of the National Organising Committee of the 7th IFAC Workshop on Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing (MMM) 2024, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the IFAC 2024 workshop in Brisbane. We are thrilled to have you in this workshop and hope that you will join the conference in Brisbane, on September 2024.
Background and Scope of the Conference
Automation in the mining, minerals, and metal processing enhances the efficiency of the processes by optimising the use of resources, reducing waste, and minimising human errors. Automated systems increase productivity and utilisation of assets. They also improve safety by reducing the need for human presence in hazardous environments.
The 7th IFAC Workshop on Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing (IFAC MMM) aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and experts from various fields to exchange knowledge, present their research findings, and discuss advancements related to the automation, control, and optimization of mining, minerals, and metal processing industries.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to
- Automation and Control in Mining
- Mineral Processing and Beneficiation
- Metallurgical Processes and Smelting
- Process Optimization and Modelling
- Sensor Technologies and Instrumentation
- Integration of Technologies
- Safety and Environmental Concerns
- Case Studies and Industrial Applications
- Education in Process Control and Automation
- Artificial Intelligence in Mining, Minerals and Metal
Main IFAC sponsoring Technical Committees
- TC 6.2. Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing
IFAC Co-sponsoring Technical Committees
- TC 2.3. Non-Linear Control Systems
- TC 2.4. Optimal Control
- TC 5.3. Integration and Interoperability of Enterprise Systems
- TC 6.1. Chemical Process Control
- TC 6.2. Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing
- TC 6.3. Power and Energy Systems
- TC 6.4. Fault Detection,Supervision&Safety of Techn.Processes-SAFEPROCESS
- TC 9.4. Control Education
Other scientific bodies co-sponsoring the conference technically
- The University of Queensland
- School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
- Sustainable Minerals Institute
- Domestic Society of Control Sciences
- Continental Association for Industrial Application of Control
- Foundation for Control EDUCATION
- Main IFAC sponsoring Technical Committees
National Organizing Committee

NOC Chair
Mohsen Yahyaei
(Australia, Brisbane, The University of Queensland)

NOC Vice-Chairs from industry
Neville Plint
(Australia, Brisbane, Mining 3)

NOC Vice-Chairs from industry
Damian Vassallo
(Australia, Brisbane, Honeywell)

Lidia Auret
(South Africa, Stellenbosch, Stone Three)

Local Organising Committee
Ross McAree
(Australia, Brisbane, The University of Queensland)

Local Organising Committee
Chris Aldrich
(Australia, Perth, Curtin University)

Local Organising Committee
Jie Bao
(Australia, Sydney, University of New South Wales)

Diversity and Inclusion Chair
Mohsen Yahyaei
(Australia, Brisbane, The University of Queensland)
International Program Committee
IPC Chair
Morten Hovd
(Norway, Torgarden, Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
IPC Vice-Chair
Chunhua Yang
(China, Changsha, Central South University)
IPC Vice-Chair from Industry
Kevin Brooks
(South Africa, Johannesburg)
IPC Members
Jie Bao
UNSW Sydney, Australia
Hiroshi Kitada
Nippon Steel, Japan
Morten Hovd (Chair)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Chris Swartz
McMaster University, Canada
Luis Bergh
Santa Maria University, Chile
Stevan Dubljevic
University of Alberta, Canada
Daniel Sbarbaro
University of Concepcion, Chile
Lidia Auret (Editor)
Stone Three, South Africa
Chunhua Yang (VC)
Central South University, China
André Desbiens
University Laval, Canada
Kevin Brooks (VC-Ind)
APC Smart, South Africa
Florian Kongoli
Flogen Technologies, Canada
Gabriel Hulko
Slovak Technical University, Slovakia
Kobus Oosthuizen
Mintek, South Africa
Francesco Cuzzola
Danieli Automation, Italy
Didier Theilliol
University of Lorraine, France
Sebastian Engell
TU Dortmund, Germany
Valentina Colla
Sant’Anna, Italy
Derik le Roux
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Furong Gao
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Javier Sotomayer
Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Peru
Andreas Steinboeck
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Biao Huang
University of Alberta, Canada
Jinliang Ding
Northeastern University, China
Sven-Olaf Lindert
Voestalpine Grobblech GmbH, Austria
Jocelyn Bouchard
University Laval, Canada
Helen Durand
Wayne State University, USA
Hannes Seyrkammer
Voestalpine Stahl GmbH. Austria
Xiu Liu
Curtin University, Australia
Chris Aldrich
Curtin University, Australia
Karol Kostur
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
Gabriele Pannocchia
University of Pisa, Italy
Jari Ruuska
University of Oulu, Finland
Osvaldo Bascur
OSB Digital, USA
Ian Craig
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Loutjie Coetzee
Mintek, South Africa
Hiroshi Ito
Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Qing Li
Tsinghua University, China
Michela Robba
University of Genoa, Italy
Vicenc Puig Cayuela
Universitat Poliltècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Fabrizio Padula
Curtin University, Australia
We are happy to discuss bespoke sponsorship packages or select from one of the options below:
For sponsorship enquiries, please contact Symon Rubens at +61 412 342 501 or symon.rubens@energyconferencenetwork.com.

Innovation Igniters ($20,000)
- Two complimentary registrations.
- A keynote speaker opportunity
- A table and display of promotional material in the foyer area
- Organisation logo on promotional material, website and workshop event presentation.
- Inclusion of company materials in workshop delegate satchel.
Disruption Drivers ($10,000)
- One complimentary registration.
- A table and display of promotional material in the foyer area
- Organisation logo on promotional material, website and workshop event presentation.
- Inclusion of company materials in workshop delegate satchel.
Pioneer Patrons ($5,000)
- One complimentary registration.
- organisation logo on promotional material, website and workshop event presentation.
- Inclusion of company materials in workshop delegate satchel.
Change Catalysts ($2,000)
- A table and display of promotional material in the foyer area
- Organisation logo on promotional material, website and workshop event presentation.
- Inclusion of company materials in workshop delegate satchel.
Visionary Vanguards ($1,000)
- Organisation logo on promotional material, website and workshop event presentation.
- Inclusion of company materials in workshop delegate satchel.
Diversity and Inclusion statement
IFAC, as an international federation serving and representing all those concerned with the theory and application of automatic control and systems engineering wherever situated, is devoted to creating and fostering an inclusive environment that is open to diverse thoughts, ideas, and communications, without fear of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation against any member of this community. It is committed to providing equal opportunities and a safe environment for every person who chooses to participate in its work. Additionally IFAC strives for these same principles for all IFAC activities, including technical events, journals, and its various committees and governing boards.
- IFAC actively promotes the inclusion of a diverse set of speakers, which will lead to more representative discussions across IFAC.
- IFAC actively promotes the inclusion of a diverse set of members of its boards and committees at all levels, which will lead to more representative decisions, policies and activities across IFAC.
More about IFAC Mission and Vision
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- Receiving the IFAC Newsletter.
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- Applying to the IFAC Activity fund.
- And more to come in the future.
Moreover, being an IFAC Affiliate is free of charge. Any individual who is interested in Control Engineering should sign up !