
The program of IFAC MIM 2025 will consist of several kinds of presentations, including full paper presentations in regular sessions, full paper presentations in invited sessions and open tracks, poster presentations, extended abstract presentation, and special sessions.

All papers and extended abstracts as well as Invited Session and Open Invited Track Proposal must be electronically submitted through the PaperPlaza Conference Manuscript Management System.

Guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts are provided on the IFAC website.
Authors are advised to read PaperCept’s Getting Started Manual for Authors.

Only files compliant with the IFAC Publications Requirements are acceptable for publication.

Deadlines and other dates

  • 30 September 2024 – Invited sessions and tracks submission deadline
  • 30 November 2024 – Full regular papers, papers for invited tracks/sessions, extended abstracts deadline
  • 30 January 2025 – Notifications to authors; Registration opens
  • 28 February 2025 – Camera ready paper submission deadline
  • 15 March 2025 – Early registration rates expiration date

Contribution categories

Regular Contributions

Regular contributions will be selected on the originality, technical soundness, quality of written exposition and relevance to IFAC MIM2025 topics. Initial submissions are at least 4 pages long and most 8 pages long, with a strict 6 pages limit for final manuscripts to be included in the IFAC-PapersOnLine proceedings. Presentations are in oral sessions during the conference in a 20 minutes format, including questions.

Post-conference Proceedings will be published in IFAC-PapersOnLine (Elsevier) with DOI, the articles of Proceedings will be in open access. IFAC journals and other top journals, such as IJPR,ANOR, IJISM, PPC, FLEX will select papers for post-conference publications in regular and special issues.

Discussion Contributions – Extended Abstracts

Discussion Contributions (extended abstract) are for bringing forward specific topics within the scope of IFAC MIM2025, especially for participants from the industry, as well as government and education sectors. It may also be an opportunity to discuss ongoing research. Submissions are in the form of an extended abstract of at most 4 pages. Discussion Contributions have a late submission deadline and will go under a fast review process based on the relevance to the audience at IFAC MIM2025. Presentations of Discussion Contribution may be either in oral sessions or in interactive sessions. Extended abstracts will NOT be included in the IFAC-PapersOnLine proceedings, but only in the preprints.

Regular Contribution and Open Invited Track Regular Contribution

Initial manuscript4 pages minimum, 8 pages maximum
Final paper4 pages minimum, 6 pages maximum
IFAC standard peer reviewBy the International Program Committee
If acceptedIncluded in the IFAC-PapersOnLine proceedings
+ oral presentation

Discussion Contribution (extended abstracts)

Extended abstract4 pages maximum
Ad hoc evaluationBy the International Program Committee Chairs
If acceptedIncluded in the preprints + oral presentation

Call for invited sessions and open invited tracks

Invited sessions consist of 5-6 papers of the regular format focusing on targeted subjects and presenting a unifying theme. Invited session organizers should submit an abstract that summarizes the aim and the content of the invited session. A code will be assigned to such a session. The invited authors should submit their papers by using this code. If at least 5 papers are accepted, the session is included in the symposium program as an invited session. If an invited session is not accepted, accepted papers submitted to this session will be included in regular sessions.

Open Invited Tracks have no upper limit on the number of papers but only those having gathered more than three sessions (each of which with at least 5 papers) will be considered. The IFAC MIM2025 web site will advertise the submitted open invited tracks. Organizers are asked to submit proposals as early as possible and no later than the open invited tracks submission closure. Organizers obtain upon submission an open invited track code. As soon as an open invited track is submitted, the IPC Chairs will verify the relevance of the submitted topic with respect to the scope of IFAC. The open invited track code will also be displayed on the symposium web site. Contributors are asked to enter this invited track code when submitting their papers.

Organizers of Invited Sessions and Open Invited Tracks are requested to register their sessions through the PaperPlaza Conference Manuscript Management System, to obtain the session reference code, to provide the code to the authors, and to advise the authors to use the code in their paper submission (as invited session paper or invited open track paper).

Special sessions (Industrial, New Frontiers, Special Projects, etc):
Special sessions offer a venue for the presentation of topics of special academic, social or industrial interest, such as emerging research areas or most recent trends in manufacturing modelling, management and control. The format of special sessions is more flexible – it allows a panel discussion, a workshop or a round table led by the session chair(s), to motivate the exchange of opinions among presenters and participants. Special session presentations may be in the form of regular papers (6 pages).

Companies or researchers interested in holding special sessions, workshops or exhibits are invited to contact the conference organizers.

Invited Sessions

  • Digitalized Servitization for Comprehensive Digital Twins in Value Chains, Code: 83k7h, Download Call for Papers
  • Industry 5.0-Based Methods, Tools, And Models for Managing Operator-Centric Industrial Systems, Code: 6b8e3, Download Call for Papers
  • Generative Artificial Intelligence in Operations and Supply Chain Management, Code: a36k4, Download Call for Papers
  • Smart Intralogistics for Warehousing and Material Handling in Manufacturing and Distribution Systems, Code: 9q7ya, Download Call for Papers
  • Digital Twin in Intelligent Manufacturing and Logistics Systems, Code: c8223, Download Call for Papers
  • Intelligent Reliability, Availability and Maintenance for Sustainable and Resilient Manufacturing-Distribution Systems, Code: 76sgn, Download Call for Papers
  • LARG (Lean, Agile, Resilient, Green) Supply Chains and Manufacturing Systems, Code: 76sgn, Download Call for Papers
  • New Perspective in Supply Chain Resilience Analytics: Balancing the Business, Environmental and Societal Impact of Disruptions, Code: 545us, Download Call for Papers
  • AI-driven Decision-making in Closed-loop Supply Chains, Code: 4m288, Download Call for Papers
  • Sustainable Supply Chains in the Era of Crises and Disruption: Challenges and Opportunities, Code: b62x8, Download Call for Papers
  • Recent Advances in Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Trends, Innovations and Digital Transformation, Code: 7v986, Download Call for Papers
  • Supply chain resilience and viability, Code: 2u851, Download Call for Papers
  • Advanced scheduling and rescheduling techniques for digitized manufacturing and supply chain systems, Code: 994g8, Download Call for Papers
  • Production Planning and Scheduling Techniques in Novel Manufacturing Systems, Code: g7464, Download Call for Papers
  • Data Science and Generative AI for Complex Manufacturing Systems, Code: esnin, Download Call for Papers

Open Invited Track

  • System Identification for Manufacturing Control Applications, Keywords: Probabilistic & statistical models in industrial plant control; Modeling, simulation, control and monitoring of manufacturing processes; Optimization and Control, Code: fk1tx, Download Call for Papers
  • Industry 5.0 – Human-Centered Production and Logistics Systems, Keywords: Industry 4.0; Human-Automation integration; Smart manufacturing systems, Code: q786c, Download Call for Papers
  • Modelling Collaborative Human-Centric Manufacturing Network, Keywords: Human-Automation integration; Decision-support for human operators; Knowledge management in production, Code: 89c49, Download Call for Papers
  • Intelligent Methods and Tools Supporting Decision Making in Manufacturing Systems and Supply Chains, Keywords: Inventory control, Production planning and scheduling; Supply chain management; Modeling, simulation, control and monitoring of manufacturing processes, Code: 48q6a, Download Call for Papers
  • 70th Anniversary of Assembly Line Balancing Problem – Advances in Assembly, Disassembly, and Transfer Line Balancing, Keywords: Line design and balancing; Optimisation methods and simulation tools; Industry 4.0, Code: 1wbu8, Download Call for Papers
  • Industrial Data Spaces & Data Architectures, Keywords: Enterprise modelling, integration and networking; Knowledge management in production, Code: 9q9wq, Download Call for Papers
  • Hybrid Intelligence for Complex Industrial Environments, Keywords: Decision-support for human operators; Complex adaptive systems and emergent synthesis in manufacturing; Inventory control, production planning and scheduling, Code: g7qvw, Download Call for Papers

Instructions for Authors

Young Author Awards

To Be Announced

Copyright Conditions

All publication material submitted for presentation at an IFAC-sponsored meeting (Congress, Symposium, Conference, Workshop) must be original and hence cannot be already published, nor can it be under review elsewhere. The authors take responsibility for the material that has been submitted. IFAC-sponsored conferences will abide by the highest standard of ethical behavior in the review process as explained on the Elsevier webpage (, and the authors will abide by the IFAC publication ethics guidelines ( papers that have been presented at an IFAC meeting will be published in the proceedings of the event using the open-access IFAC-PapersOnLine series hosted on ScienceDirect ( To this end, the author(s) must grant exclusive publishing rights to IFAC under a Creative Commons license when they submit the final version of the paper. The copyright belongs to the authors, who have the right to share the paper in the same terms allowed by the end user license, and retain all patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights (including research data).